Time To Nominate Your Favorite Law Blogs For the 2013 Clawbies
Yes it’s that favorite time of year (no not Christmas), time to nominate your favorite law blogs for the 2013 Clawbies.
The top three Canadian blogs that I follow and have caught my attention this year and constitute my nominations for the 2013 Clawbies are:
1. Marla B. Gilsig
Marla is a family law lawyer who writes about all aspects of family law and helps keeps her colleagues and public informed of the changes and trends in family law in British Columbia. Her blog helps people find their way out of the maze of family law and divorce and reminds her clients to consider alternate avenues of resolution. To learn more, visit Marla’ main site.
2. David J. Bilinsky
I had the pleasure of presenting with David at the ABA’s Tech Show in Chicago. I regularly follow David’s blog and he provides “thoughtful” analysis and content on a wide array of subject including technology, tips for busy lawyers and strategic planning. Click to learn more about David’s blog.
3. Michele R.J. Alliontte (last but certainly not least)
Michele’s social media savvy, small town niche, and community activities help elevate her blog to one of my top 3 picks for 2013. Michele provides practical advice and common sense tips for her clients. Her blog covers an array of subjects and serves as a good reminder and sample of how lawyers can effectively communicate with their clients by blogging.
Good luck to everyone who is nominated and to our judges who will have a tough time deciding who are best of the best, cream of the crop, the top guns in legal blogging. With over 400 Canadian legal blogs on the internet it will not be easy finding Goose and Maverick.
Click here to learn more about the 2013 Clawbies.