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Elliot Vine Joins Russell Alexander as an Associate Lawyer


Elliot Vine Joins Russell Alexander as an Associate Lawyer

Elliot joins Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers as an associate lawyer.  Elliot practices family law, including pre-separation legal advice, custody and access, support issues, separation agreements and property-related issues. Elliot resolves  conflicts in a quick and efficient manner.

Elliot will work in all three of our offices: Markham, Brooklin and the City of Kawartha Lakes. He graduated from Queen’s University in 2009 with a Bachelor of Economics where he earned awards for high academic achievement. Elliot completed his Juris Doctorate from Queen’s University, receiving his law degree in 2012. Prior to working at Russell Alexander Elliot practiced Family Law with a firm in Kingston and with a Certified Specialist in Family Law.

Elliot enjoys meeting new people and the challenge of getting the best possible results for his clients. He is an avid public speaker and loves to debate. Elliot also looks forward to developing a Collaborative Practice.

Elliot plays a wide variety of sports. He enjoys trying new restaurants, reading fiction and is interested in improving his ability to sail. After growing up in North York, Elliot is excited to serve clients in and around his new home.

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About the author

Russell Alexander

Russell Alexander is the Founder & Senior Partner of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.