Time To Nominate Your Favourite Law Blogs For the 2014 Clawbies — #clawbies2014, @DanPinnington, @davidpwhelan, @chrisjaglowitz
Yes it’s that favorite time of year (no not Christmas), time to nominate your favorite law blogs for the 2014 Clawbies.
Three Canadian blogs that I follow and have caught my attention this year and constitute my nominations for the 2014 Clawbies are:
1. Dan Pinnington and “Avoid A Claim”
I have had the pleasure of speaking and co-presenting with Dan Pinnington at legal technology conferences and he is well-known for his “tech tips”. As the Vice President Claims Prevention and Stakeholder Relations at the Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity Company, Dan helps lawyers avoid malpractice claims and helps LAWPRO reach out to its stakeholders. His vision, energy and ideas have made practicePRO an internationally recognized claims prevention initiative. His blog has great technology and practice tips that all practitioners will find immensely useful.
2. David Whelan and “Explorations with Information and Technology“
David has worked in academia and for non-profits wearing hats as diverse as library director, chief information officer, electronic services librarian, adjunct lecturer on networked library systems, and Web team manager. David is a leader in information, technology and the law. I have also had the pleasure of speaking and co-presenting with David at the OBA’s recent TECHxpo 2.0 conference in Toronto.
3. Chris Jaglowitz and “Ontario Condo Law Blog“
Chris edits and runs Ontario Condo Law Blog which aims to provide timely and topical information, news and commentary to inform and enlighten members of the condominium community in the Province of Ontario, including: commentary on recent and developing trends, digests of recent court decisions, condo-related news from around the province and around the world.
Good luck to everyone who is nominated and to our judges who will have a tough time deciding who are best of the best, cream of the crop, the top guns in legal blogging. With over 400 Canadian legal blogs on the internet it will not be easy finding Goose and Maverick.
Click here to learn more about the 2014 Clawbies.