Later this morning the Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario is offering our Full Day 2015 Advanced Family Law Program. The program will be held on November 25, 2015, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at ILCO’s Education Centre.
Nafisa Nazarali and I are looking forward to our presentation The Law Clerk’s Guide to Technology and Family Law. We will examine:
- Marketing & Social Media
- Technology in the Law Firm
- How Technology Impacts the Client Experience
Other topics at the conference include:
- Income for Child Support: Beyond Line 150
- So you are going to trial
- Financial Statements in Family Law: an Art as much as a Science
- Domestic Contracts: Everything you want to know about marriage contracts, cohabitation agreements and separation agreements
- Mediation Preparation
- A Law Clerk’s Guide to Challenging Family Law Clients
To register or learn more, click here.