FAQs Spousal Support & Alimony

If my spouse’s income has increased can I request additional support?

If your spouse’s income has increased dramatically then you may be able to request an increase in support. The court will base such a request on whether there has been enough of a “change in circumstance” to justify increasing your support payments. The court will also ask if increasing your support payments is in line with the objectives of the spousal support advisory guidelines.

If an increase is warranted by the spousal support advisory guidelines then the court may decide to order a new amount by looking at the new circumstances around the relationship.

If in a court order or separation agreement you have agreed to waive all future claims to support then you will not be able to request additional support unless you can prove that the agreement was not fair or you did not have proper legal advice.

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About the author

Russell Alexander

Russell Alexander is the Founder & Senior Partner of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.