Affairs, Adultery & Spying FAQs

I feel like my spouse is spying on me. Is that allowed?

No. It is not okay for your spouse to be spying on you. If your spouse has been intentionally intruding on your privacy, you may be able to make a claim against them for “intrusion of seclusion.”

In order to prove this, you must show the court:

  1.   An unauthorized intrusion;
  2.  The intrusion was highly offensive to a reasonable person;
  3.  The matter intruded upon was private; and
  4.   The Intrusion caused anguish and suffering.

An intrusion of this nature could include an invasion into private affairs, as long is it was deliberate and significant.

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About the author

Russell Alexander

Russell Alexander is the Founder & Senior Partner of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.