Collaborative Practice

Runaway Train: Using Collaborative Methods to Derail High Conflict Court Cases

Written by Russell Alexander / (905) 655-6335

Runaway Train: Using Collaborative Methods to Derail High Conflict Court Cases

Russell Alexander will be presenting a webinar on Tuesday June 2nd and will be discussing how family professionals and clients can use collaborative methods to derail high conflict court cases.

You can get tickets for the event here on eventbrite. 

In the webinar, Mr. Alexander will be discussing some of the following topics:

  • Explore tips and techniques for converting your court matters (including high conflict and/or highly litigious) into successful collaborative files;
  • Learn how to stop the runaway train of court litigation at any stage of the court proceedings and how the Collaborative Process and Collaborative Techniques can be used to narrow issues, streamline disclosure, develop joint valuation, appraisals, and income assessments;
  • Discover the benefits of involving the Collaborative Practice Team such as helping clients to focus on problem-solving rather than blame and grievances which can save time and money in the long run; and
  • We will discuss if and how to amend collaborative practice participation to facilitate the move of existing court cases to Collaborative Practice.

This presentation contains 1 hour and 16 minutes of professional content for Ontario lawyers. You can sign up for the event here at eventbrite. 

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About the author

Russell Alexander

Russell Alexander is the Founder & Senior Partner of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.