Top Podcasts of 2020
In 2020 our firm really began to use podcasts as a platform to discuss all things family law. We were privileged enough to have many amazing guests and we cannot wait to see what stories and topics arise in 2021 that we can have conversations about. Until then, here is our top ten most popular podcasts of 2020!
10. Ontario Spousal Support during a Pandemic
In this episode, Russell Alexander invites family lawyers Wylita Clark, Carolyn Warner, and Josh Glieberman to answer the questions: What can we expect about spousal support going forward in light of the pandemic? Is spousal support going to be considered ‘urgent’ by the Ontario courts? Whether you are the payor or recipient, the pandemic may impact your spousal support payments.
9. Office of the Children’s Lawyer
On this episode, hosted by Russell Alexander with special guest Jarret Johnston, a children’s lawyer explains their role, lays out the process and clarifies common misconceptions.
8. COVID-19 and Divorce (Part II) Law Firm Management
Reunited four months later, Russell Alexander, Billie Tarascio, and Brian Galbraith reflect on recent changes in their work life for their teams, existing clients, court procedures, and intake process. Brian Walters joins in the conversation as well to reveal his experience of “record breaking numbers in May and June”.
On this episode, Russell Alexander is joined by Jason Isenberg and Nafisa Nazarali to provide general considerations regarding spousal support for clients and professionals. Follow along as they walk through hypothetical scenarios to demonstrate how variables factor into the quantum. Understand how the SSAGS interpret length of relationship, previous household roles, ages, employment income, etc. What are the grounds of spousal support entitlement? Can infidelity or misconduct affect the amount of spousal support to be paid?
6. Christmas Access During COVID
Routine traditions, celebrations, and gatherings that typically occur each the holiday season will undoubtedly be changed for our first Covid Christmas. Children of separated parents benefit from parental communication and support during the unprecedented time. In this episode, Russell Alexander and guest speakers share insight into the pitfalls, best practices, and tips & tricks for parents to keep their children safe and healthy. Francesca King provides insight into the current situation in Italy, and social workers Allyson Gardner and Jonathan Paynter share their perspective.
5. Top 20 Questions About COVID-19 and Ontario Child Custody & Access
Russell Alexander and colleagues answer the top questions about child custody and access in Ontario related to covid-19. Collaborative professionals Jonathan Paynter, Jarret Johnston, and Marc D’Heureux provide answers and information for separated parents concerned about child access and parenting schedules during the pandemic. In these unprecedented times many separated parents are experiencing understandable anxiety about safety protocols in the other parent’s home, whether the other parent works from home or is an essential service worker out of the home. The courts are experiencing a high volume of child custody and access cases. Tune in to learn what the courts consider to be “urgent” matters, how the courts treat “self-help” remedies and about alternatives to court.
On this episode, Russell Alexander invites collaborative professionals to announce H.E.L.P (High Efficiency Legal Process). The current pandemic limits the already overburdened court system even more. Fortunately, more couples are determined to be key players in the planning and the settlement process. The collaborative team was able to settle a divorce in less than seven days. To learn more about this option and how to reduce costs, listen to the conversation with Jarret Johnston, Allyson Gardner, and John Williamson.
Bonus episode: Listen in to the conference call with Russell Alexander and his fellow lawyers and thought leaders Billie Tarascio, Brian Galbraith, and Richard Harris. Between businesses and locations, their approaches differ, but they share a common priority to protect both employees of the firm and their clients. Since the recording of this podcast, news has been released that the family court matters will be suspended starting Tuesday March 17th, 2020 as well as schools, day care, and more. These lawyers discuss their plans to encourage working remotely, and provide tips for lawyers and clients during this time. Tune in for recommendations as to what you can do as a business owner, and helpful communication tools. The lawyers reveal their predictions for the future resulting from the global pandemic.
2. Top 10 Things You Should Know About Child Support
On this episode, hosted by Russell Alexander with special guest Michelle Mulchan, two family lawyers discuss everything from the basics to the complexities of child support.
1. Child Access During Self-Isolation, Lockdown and Quarantine
In this podcast, Russell Alexander is joined virtually by family professionals to provide parenting tips in the pandemic. Guest speakers Jonathan Paynter, Allyson Gardner, and Francesca King discuss how to talk to your child about the coronavirus, technology dos and don’ts, and determining child access schedules. Francesca shares her experience so far in lockdown from Milan, Italy and suggests a unique perspective for Canadians.
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