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Russell Alexander Holds ‘Divorce Day’ Seminar During Week of Annual Surge in Inquiries

Written by Russell Alexander / (905) 655-6335

Divorce lawyer says the period following the holidays is typically the busiest time of year.

Experienced family lawyer Russell Alexander held a live virtual event to mark “Divorce Day,” which takes place during the annual surge in inquiries about divorce and separation that happens after the winter holidays. In Canada, that is typically recognized as the first Monday in the new year.

During a one-hour online presentation at noon on Wednesday, January 5, Alexander and lawyers Nafisa Nazarali and Jason Isenberg talked about the history of “Divorce Day” in Canada and shared insights about the fundamentals of divorce.

“The first week after the winter holiday is always a busy one among family law practices,” said Alexander, founder of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers. “Given the heightened interest in divorce right now, we thought it made sense to share some of our knowledge.”

Alexander said that interest in divorce peaks now for several reasons: people who wanted to wait until the holidays were over, troubled couples who faced increased strain from spending time together on vacation, financial pressures due to the holidays, and people who decided to use the new year to reset their lives.

“The holiday season is not the cause of a divorce, but in a lot of cases it is a sort-of breaking point for relationships that are already struggling,” he added. “There’s also just a sense for some people that the new year is a good time to make dramatic changes in their lives.”

Attendees who submitted a question during the Q&A portion of the presentation were eligible to receive a complimentary copy of Alexander’s book, “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Divorce” as an e-book or a $5 discount on a hard copy. All proceeds of book sales will be donated to the Giving Fund in support of various community-based programs including sports, arts, culture, education, and humane societies.

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About the author

Russell Alexander

Russell Alexander is the Founder & Senior Partner of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.