Educational Resources

Upcoming Virtual Event: Zoom Divorce for Clients & the Modern Lawyer

Free Live Virtual Event Series
Written by Russell Alexander / (905) 655-6335

Family Law Now 🎙 LIVE presents a virtual event with Ontario divorce lawyers of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.

Zoom Divorce for Clients & the Modern Lawyer

with Russell Alexander & Rick Pettica

The Family Law landscape has changed significantly over the past year with the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. Law professionals and clients alike have been forced to adapt to the shift to a more virtual world.

This 1-hour webinar is aimed to provide our community with tips, tricks & best practices for navigating divorce via Zoom.

Attendees will have the opportunity to submit their questions to the panelists. The panelists will reserve time for a dedicated Q&A segment at the end of the presentation. To respect confidentiality, all attendees’ identities will remain anonymous to other audience members.

For those who attend and submit a question, you will be eligible for a complimentary copy of Russell Alexander’s “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Divorce: Russell Alexander’s Guide to Separation, Divorce and Family Law” E-Book and a $5 discount towards the hard copy. All proceeds of book sales will be donated to the Giving Fund in support of various community-based programs including sports, arts, culture, education, and humane societies.

Registration is complimentary. Reserve your spot now as spaces are limited.

On the agenda:
– What is a Zoom divorce
– Play Your Part and Look the Role
– The “Zoom” Divorce Hearing
-Lights, Camera, Action
– Zoom Divorce Tips & Tricks
– Q&A

* This program has been accredited by the Law Society of Ontario for 1 hour of Professionalism Content.

Law Society of Ontario Accredited

Register Now

For a full list of our upcoming webinars, visit us HERE.

Wednesday, March 23rd at 12 PM EST


Russell Alexander, Family Lawyer

Russell Alexander

Russell is the Founder and Senior Partner of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers. With over 20 years of experience, Russell offers a wealth of knowledge and expertise in Collaborative Family Law. He uses his experience with a client-focused approach by creating unique solutions for each of his clients to enable them and their families to move forward with their lives in a compassionate and collaborative manner.

Rick Peticca, Family Lawyer

Rick Peticca

Rick is an Associate Lawyer and brings over 14 years of Family Law expertise. Rick focuses on all aspects of Family and Matrimonial Law by supporting his clients in resolving matters. He fosters strong relationships with his clients that are built on trust and transparency. Rick collaboratively works with his clients in achieving effective solutions through various dispute resolution mechanisms such as finalizing domestic contracts through negotiation, mediation, and collaborative law processes or through the litigious processes of court and arbitration.

Here is what people saying are about Family Law Now LIVE

“I like the ability to ask questions and have them answered throughout the presentation and I enjoy the friendliness of the presenters.”

“Laid back and professional at the same time, hit all the high notes and stressed the important parts.”

“Often a reminder of things I already know, but I always take away something new from the webinars. It’s great that they are free too and I like the short format.”

“Thank you for your presentations! A review of recent case law is always helpful. I also enjoyed the slide show.”

“Very helpful and informative. More useful and practical than most CPD courses.”

“As always very informative and up-to-date information. As a law clerk I truly enjoy listening to you all and learn as much as I can.”

“Thank you so much! It’s a great way to reach out and learn important facts about family matters, especially during the pandemic time. More power to your amazing team!”

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Be sure to find out more about the "new normal", by visiting our Covid-19 and Divorce Information Centre.

About the author

Russell Alexander

Russell Alexander is the Founder & Senior Partner of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.