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Upcoming Virtual Event – Divorce, Parenting & Self-help: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Free Live Virtual Event Series
Written by Russell Alexander / (905) 655-6335

Family Law Now 🎙 LIVE presents a virtual event with a panel of Ontario divorce lawyers of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.

Divorce, Parenting & Self-help: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Wednesday, June 15th at 12 PM EDT

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In this 1-hour live virtual event, Ontario Collaborative Family Lawyers, Russell Alexander, Margie Primero-Pimentel & Cindy Vergara will share their insights on parenting and self-help in divorce and family law.

1. What is self-help (“SH”) and why is it frowned upon?
2. Domestic violence and SH
3. When your spouse does SH
4. Leaving the Jurisdiction
5. Obtaining a Court Order
6. Maintaining the Status Quo
7. The good:
a. Proactive tools:
i. Emergency proceedings such as: exclusive possession orders, restraining orders/non-contact orders
b. Status quo – could be good for your situation
c. Best interests of the child – standard to overturn
d. Help to reduce conflict
e. ADR solutions
8. The bad
a. Exclusive possession orders – what does this open you to? Occupation rent, who will pay for the expenses, can you change the locks?
b. Status quo –did you acquiesce?
c. Virtual snooping- tort liability
d. Emergency court proceedings – costly, unpredictable, new status quo to be created as result of self-help, decision follows you
9. The ugly:
a. Parent leaving the jurisdiction/country without other parent’s consent or knowledge
i. Hague/ police involvement/ multiple proceedings
ii. Ability to foster a relationship with the other parent/best interests of the child test
iii. Abduction – register the passport with border agencies??
iv. New relocation requirements under the DA
10. Case Law

Attendees will have the opportunity to submit their questions to the panelists. The panelists will reserve time for a dedicated Q&A segment at the end of the presentation. To respect confidentiality, all attendees’ identities will remain anonymous to other audience members.

Registration is complimentary. Reserve your spot now as spaces are limited.

Those who attend a live virtual event and provide feedback to our team will receive a free digital copy of one of Russell’s recent e-book releases.

Register Now

For a full list of our upcoming webinars, visit us HERE.


Russell Alexander headshot portrait family lawyer

Russell Alexander
Family Lawyer

Russell is the Founder and Senior Partner of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers. With over 20 years of experience, Russell offers a wealth of knowledge and expertise in Collaborative Family Law. He uses his experience with a client-focused approach by creating unique solutions for each of his clients to enable them and their families to move forward with their lives in a compassionate and collaborative manner.

Margie Primero-Pimentel Headshot

Margie Primero-Pimentel
Family Lawyer & Accredited Mediator

Margie has over 14 years of experience in Family Law. She is a Collaborative Family Law Practitioner and an Accredited Mediator who is passionate about facilitating fair and reasonable settlements for her clients. Margie approaches law in a holistic manner and believes that, as a Family Lawyer, she has a unique opportunity to provide emotionally intelligent advice to clients that will assist them in moving forward with their lives in a better position with the best interest of her clients and their children in mind.

Cindy Vergara - Associate Family Lawyer

Cindy Vergara
Family Lawyer

Here is what people saying are about Family Law Now LIVE

“It was very informative and well done.”

“Great webinar, I look forward to others in the series.”

“Loved the clarity and practical approach of your presentations.”

“Great topics from great speakers – thank you!”

“I enjoyed that they knew what they were talking about without any hesitation to answer questions. They seemed very knowledgeable.”

“Thanks to RA and his team for these contributions to the family law bar and the community generally.”

“Lots of practical information! I also just realized how valuable it is to have everything anonymous! Very professional and informative!”


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About the author

Russell Alexander

Russell Alexander is the Founder & Senior Partner of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.