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Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen Call “Time!” on their Marriage

tom brady divorce
Written by Russell Alexander ria@russellalexander.com / (905) 655-6335

For many who are rich and famous, things don’t always turn out with the “happy ever after” ending that their privileged circumstances may suggest. Online gossip media and the tabloids at your favourite grocery checkout all thrive on covering one pervasive theme: Failed relationships and divorce often loom large in the otherwise-enviable and lustrous lives of many celebrities. 

NFL quarterback Tom Brady and supermodel Gisele Bundchen are the latest celebrity couple to call it quits on their 13-year marriage. The pair’s recent relationship woes have been chronicled in numerous media sources, with some providing a timeline of their various ups and downs over the past year leading up to the announcement. 

But whatever news coverage and speculation this may generate, it seems that the legal aspect of their divorce will be simple, and quick.  It seems that Tom, aged 45, and Gisele, aged 42, both filed for divorce last Friday in Florida, where a judge signed off on their petition and officially dissolved their marriage, declaring it “irretrievably broken”.  

Under state law, they were able to finalize their divorce that day, after entering into a marital settlement three days earlier.  It’s reported their agreement included a parenting plan to cover their three children, and also resolved issues around parenting time.   

However, in order to protect their privacy, neither the details of that agreement, nor the specifics of their respective financial disclosure, will be released to the public.

What Can Average People Learn from Tom and Gisele?

Most of us don’t have the wealth and celebrity status of an NFL legend, or a glamorous international supermodel.  But there is still a lot that the average divorcing couple can learn from the amicable approach that Tom and Gisele appear to have taken. 

By keeping their divorce process streamlined, and settlement-focused, they have likely made the process as painless as is possible under the circumstances.  

They didn’t drag each other into court over a period of months – or years. They opted for a route that allows them to keep their financial information private. They kept the details of their negotiated settlement out of the public eye.  And most importantly, they didn’t put their children in the middle of a nasty and prolonged dispute.

Safe to say it was a good play for the whole team.

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About the author

Russell Alexander

Russell Alexander is the Founder & Senior Partner of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.