Episode 60
Russell Alexander, Carrie Heinzl & Brian Galbraith, discuss the following topics:
- What the heck is Collaborative Practice?
- Collaborative Practice Training
- The CP Participation Agreement
- The “Roadmap” to success
- Neutrals
- The Power of a full team
- Your first meeting
- Impasse
- Reaching a settlement
- Debriefing
Family Law Now LIVE is a live virtual event series hosted by Russell Alexander and featured guests. They present on various topics surrounding family law to provide helpful information, answer questions, and share insights with the audience in real time. This podcast episode is a recording of a virtual event. Registration is now open to attend upcoming virtual events hosted by Family Law Now LIVE.
Show Notes
3 Best Collaborative Divorce Lawyers in Toronto
3 Benefits of Collaborative Practice (Part 1)
Runaway Train: Using Collaborative Methods to Derail High Conflict Court Cases
Thank you for tuning in!