Podcast: Family Law Now

Family Law Now | Ep. 66: Bankruptcy & Breakdown of the Marriage 201

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Written by Russell Alexander ria@russellalexander.com / (905) 655-6335

Episode 66

The panel of Ontario-based family lawyers and bankruptcy and insolvency experts will be sharing their insights on advanced topics on bankruptcy as it applies to separation and divorce, as an extension of Episode 65: Bankruptcy & Breakdown of the Marriage 101.
  1. A quick recap of Divorce, Bankruptcy and Family: 101
    a. What are Bankruptcy & consumer proposals?
    b. Circumstances: who, how and when
    c. Roles of the various players:
    i. Trustee
    ii. Creditors
    iii. Spouse
    iv. CRA
    v. other secured and others and priorities
    d. Judges, the Family Court & the Bankruptcy Court
    e. Conflicts: protecting third-party creditors and rights of spouses
  2. Bankruptcy and the Effect on equalization
    a. Exempt assets
    b. Identifying the Types of claims & the claims that survive discharge
    c. Assignment of claims
    d. Judicial discretion
    e. Bankruptcy before/after the date of separation
    f. Effect of a discharge
  3. Litigation Strategies & Practice Tips
    a. Costs orders
    i. lifting automatic stays
    ii. collecting costs
    iii. costs as support
    b. Judicial discretion
    c. Going after exempt assets
    d. Characterizing obligations as support
    e. Protecting your (lawyers’) account

Family Law Now LIVE is a live virtual event series hosted by Russell Alexander and featured guests. They present on various topics surrounding family law to provide helpful information, answer questions, and share insights with the audience in real time. This podcast episode is a recording of a virtual event. Registration is now open to attend upcoming virtual events hosted by Family Law Now LIVE.

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Show Notes

Family Law Now | Ep. 65: Bankruptcy & Breakdown of the Marriage 101

Saving the Golden Goose: Part I; How Family Run Businesses can Survive and Thrive after Divorce

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About the author

Russell Alexander

Russell Alexander is the Founder & Senior Partner of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.