Recording Release – Using Collaborative Practice Methods & Principles with non-CP Trained Professionals
We’re pleased to share the recording release of the Using Collaborative Practice Methods & Principles with non-CP Trained Professionals.
In this presentation, the panel of Ontario-based Family Law professionals share their knowledge of collaborative practice methods and principles and offer insights from their experiences in their area of expertise when working with professionals who are not trained in collaborative practice.
The speakers discuss:
1. Advocacy, Litigation & Conflict Resolution
a. Firefighters & Peacemakers
b. Arsonists & Warriors
2. What is CP?
a. What are the Principles of CP
b. Advantages of Big “C” CP
3. The Allegory of the Cave, Plato’s Republic, Book IV
a. Runaway Train pulling cases out of the court system
b. Non-trained professionals and the little “c” Approach
c. Do you Amend the traditional CP PA agreement or discard
4. The Importance of Full Disclosure
5. The Strength of Team
6. Unknown knowns & confidence issues
a. Advantages
b. Risks & Pitfalls
c. Going to Court
7. Encouraging CP training
8. Closing comments
*This presentation has been accredited by the Law Society of Ontario and contains 1 hour of professionalism content.
Watch the full presentation of Using Collaborative Practice Methods & Principles with non-CP Trained professionals here: