Episode 73
Russell Alexander, Professor Nicholas Bala, Brian Galbraith, Lisa Gelman, and Nafisa Nazarali hosted a live virtual town hall for legal professionals and members of the public regarding presumptive hearings in Ontario Family Courts.
1. Access to Justice
2. Different Approaches in Different Judicial Regions
3. Family Bar Experience Regarding In-Person Hearings Since April
4. What Our Clients Are Saying
5. Have the Presumptive Guidelines Brought the Administration of Justice into Disrepute
6. What is the Data Telling Us
7. Next Steps and Moving Forward to Improve the Family Law Justice System
8. Q&A
Family Law Now LIVE is a live virtual event series hosted by Russell Alexander and featured guests. They present on various topics surrounding family law to provide helpful information, answer questions, and share insights with the audience in real time. This podcast episode is a recording of a virtual event. Registration is now open to attend upcoming virtual events hosted by Family Law Now LIVE.
Show Notes
Family Law Now | Ep. 50: Press Conference Calling for Courts to Continue Remote Hearings
Family Law Now | Ep. 53: The Return to In Person Family Court Hearings & Zoom Divorce
Thank you for tuning in!