Russell Alexander’s Family Law Now ๐ LIVE presents a virtual event with Russell Alexander and a panel of family law professionals.
Support and High-Income Earners
with Michelle Mulchan, Margie Primero-Pimentel, Carrie Heinzl & Russell Alexander
Wednesday, July 5th at 12 PM ET
Register Now
At Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers, we understand the unique challenges high-income earners often face in regard to child and spousal support. From determining income to calculating support obligations, there are unique challenges and considerations for these individuals while navigating their family law matters. To shed light on these intricacies, we are pleased to share that we will be hosting a virtual event on Support and High-Income Earners. Our panel of legal professionals will share valuable insights into the world of family law and support obligations. Whether you are a legal professional or someone going through a separation or divorce, this webinar is designed for our audience members to gain a better understanding and equip them with the tools to effectively address issues such as:
Step 1: Court and Alternative Dispute Processes – Learn about the different approaches to resolving support and family law matters, including court proceedings, collaborative law, and mediation/arbitration.
Step 2: Determining Income –ย One of the crucial aspects of support obligations is determining income accurately. Our panel will delve into the intricacies of income calculations, addressing considerations specific to high-income earners, non-T4 employees, business owners, bonuses, and more.
Step 3: Determining Support –ย Understand the complexities of child support and spousal support calculations. Explore net disposable income calculations (NDI), recalculating support yearly, periodic vs. lump sum payments, blended payments, and the role of life insurance. Get a comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence support determinations.
Step 4: Other Considerations –ย Discover how inheritances come into play when calculating support obligations. Uncover the difference between inheritances for equalization versus inheritances for support purposes. Gain insights into interest on inheritances, capital losses to reduce income, and other essential tax considerations. Additionally, explore alternative support settlement options and learn how creative approaches can maximize benefits for all parties involved.
Staying informed is key! Join us for this educational opportunity to gain valuable insights and equip yourself with the knowledge shared by our panel of experts who have extensive experience in high-income support and family law proceedings.
Wednesday, July 5th at 12 PM ET
Register Now
Registration is complimentary, and we welcome legal professionals, individuals navigating separation or divorce, and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge in the area of family law. Once registered, you will receive an email via Zoom with your login details for the event.
Confidentiality: We understand the importance of privacy in sensitive matters like these. To respect confidentiality, all attendees’ identities will remain anonymous to other audience members, ensuring a safe and secure environment for open discussions.