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Upcoming Virtual Event – Divorced & Separated Parents: Co-Parenting During the Holidays

Written by Russell Alexander / (905) 655-6335

Russell Alexander’s Family Law Now πŸŽ™ LIVE presents a virtual event with collaborative family lawyers Russell Alexander, Rick Peticca, & Daniela Di Rezze.

In this 1-hour presentation, Ontario collaborative family lawyers, Russell Alexander and Rick Peticca will share their insights on the nuances of navigating family law matters during the holiday season.

They cover the following topics:

1. Seasonality and Family Law

2. The Current Separation Agreement or Court Order

3. Last Minute Motions to Change/Enforcement

4. Winter Holiday Decision-Making and Parenting Time Since 2020

5. Religion and Participation in Religious Celebrations

6. The Costs of Being β€œRight”

7. Family Dispute Resolution & Collaborative Practice

8. Top 5 Cases You Should Know About

The presenters will also reserve some time for audience Q&A during the presentation. Audience members are encouraged to send their questions in advance upon registration or to, December 13th at 12 PM ET

Register Now

Registration is complimentary, and we welcome legal professionals, individuals navigating separation or divorce, and anyone interested in expanding their knowledge in the area of family law. Once registered, you will receive an email via Zoom with your login details for the event.

Confidentiality: We understand the importance of privacy in sensitive matters like these. To respect confidentiality, all attendees’ identities will remain anonymous to other audience members, ensuring a safe and secure environment for open discussions.

*Please note that all of the content provided in the presentations is intended to provide general information on separation, divorce, and family law matters, and should not be construed as legal advice.

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About the author

Russell Alexander

Russell Alexander is the Founder & Senior Partner of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.