Featured Articles
Ontario Spousal Support 101: Key Issues About How Spousal Support is Determined
Spousal Support Ontario law regards the spousal relationship as an economic partnership. Therefore, in some cases, the spouse earning a higher income may have to pay spousal support to the other spouse in order to allow the spouse with lower income to “get back on their feet.” At the same time, the spouse who earns […]
Are High Income Earners Governed by the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines?
Few of us are “burdened” with the problem of being in a super-high income-earning bracket. But for those married individuals who are, and who decide to separate and divorce, a narrow but important question arises as to whether the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines (SSAG) apply in the way they do to people earning a more […]
Recent Posts
’Just Friends’ Don’t File Tax Returns Together – Ending Spousal Support for Those Who Have New Partners
In a prior Blog, we emphasized that a spouse’s obligation to support his or her Ex-spouse does not end automatically once the Ex remarries or begins living with another partner. However, any Family Court asked to consider whether it should end at that point will (among other things) examine the new relationship and take into account […]
“Beer, Bingo and Boyfriends” – Should Support Payors Have a Say in How Money is Spent?
In a recent blog, we wrote that in Ontario, support-paying parents are not given sway over how their child support payments are spent and allocated: Once the support payment is in the hands of the recipient (custodial) parent, they are free to use the money for the child’s benefit as they see fit. The parent who […]
Other Videos
- 4 Ways To Enforce Child and Spousal Support Orders in Ontario
- Two necessary evils -- know your obligations re: income tax and spousal/ child support