I am Looking forward to Attending and speaking at the OCLF’s “Full Team Ahead: Building Effective Collaborative Teams”
The Ontario Collaborative Law Federation is made up of members from across Ontario. OCLF members are lawyers, mental health professionals, financial planners, social workers, chartered accountants, certified business valuators and other financial professionals.
Our members help their clients resolve issues arising from their separation and divorce – without going to court. The Collaborative process promotes mutual respect and shared solutions.
This year’s focus is on team-building – a unique and essential aspect of the Collaborative process which involves other professionals in the process besides lawyers. A team may take many forms, depending on the needs of the clients.
My presentation will be on ‘Using Technology To Improve Efficiencies With Your Collaborative Team’. The topics we will be reviewing include:
- The Move to Paperless
- Addressing Concerns and the Reluctance to Change
- Promote the Benefits of Change and the Move to Paper(less)
- Building Your Paperless Plan
- Document Management
- Do You Need Document Management Software?
- Digital Storage
- Hardware requirements
- Establishing Goals and Deciding What You Need
- Going Mobile and Remote Access: Improving Communication with Your Collaborative Practice Team and Clients
- Advantages of Moving Towards A Paper(less) Office
- Exploring new technologies
- iPads & Smart Phones
- Advantages of iPads, Smart Phones and working with your CP Team
- Apps for iPads
- Benefits of remotely working with your CP Team
This year’s conference will be held at Horseshoe Resort, Barrie, Ontario from September 27 to 29, 2012
There is still time to register. You can learn more here: http://www.oclf.ca/OCLF-2012Conference.htm