The theme of the week is “Let’s Talk it Out!”
Featuring events for the public and for professionals, this week features free public speakers, workshops, information centres and more.
I’m pleased to presenting today with Carolyn McAlpine on Mediation and Collaborative Law: A Better Way. Our discussion will review:
- Key Elements to Collaborative Practice
- The Difference between Collaborative Practice and Mediation
- The Collaborative Team
- A Different Approach
- Reducing Hostility in Family Disputes and Separation
- The Nuts & Bolts of Collaborative Practice
- The Pace of Collaborative Practice
- A Focus on the Future
- A Focus on Interests, Not Positions
- Further Information about Collaborative Practice
Today’s agenda also includes:
LET’S TALK IT OUT – Northern District Library
How to be great parents post-separation
Hear from two top family professionals on how to craft a parenting plan that works best for the children. Presentation by Stella Kavoukian and Laurie Stein
Family Violence and FDR
Information, support and resources for families experiencing violence. How to navigate separation and divorce safely— for you and your children.
Presentation by Barbra Schlifer Clinic
Mediation and Collaborative Law: A Better Way
Exploring the mediation and collaborative processes, emphasizing voluntariness, safety, pros vs cons when compared to the court process and how it creates long term solutions.
Presentation by Russell Alexander & Carolyn McAlpine
Public information fair: displays from agencies and organizations supporting families experiencing conflict @ Rotunda
Mental Health and FDR
Hear from a mental health professional about the resources available to separating families experiencing mental health challenges.
Presentation by Caroline Felstiner
Court Connected Mediation Services
What you need to know about Ontario’s free and subsidized family mediation services.
Presentation by mediate393
Smooth Sailing: Navigating Through a Family Law Dispute
Tips and suggestions from a seasoned family lawyer: useful resources including FLIC offices, Legal Aid Ontario, free online tools and other legal resources.
Presentation by Joel Skapinker
Public information fair: displays from agencies and organizations supporting families experiencing conflict @ Rotunda
We hope to see you there. To learn more about this week’s events including where to attend and how to register, click here.