Time To Nominate Our Favourite Law Blogs For the 2015 Clawbies — #clawbies2015: @DanPinnington, @PrecedentMag and @CanLIIConnects
Yes it’s the most wonderful time of year (no not Christmas) — time to nominate your favourite law blogs for the 2015 Clawbies.
Three Canadian blogs that we follow and have caught our attention this year and constitute our nominations for the 2015 Clawbies are:
1. Dan Pinnington’s “Avoid A Claim”
Well know for his “tech tips” author Dan helps lawyers avoid malpractice claims and helps LAWPRO reach out to its stakeholders. His vision, energy and ideas have made practicePRO an internationally recognized claims prevention initiative. His blog has great technology and practice tips that all practitioners will find immensely useful.
Precedent is Toronto’s lifestyle magazine for lawyer that features a lively assortment of professional news, tips, fashion and opinions on hot topics.
Created to make it faster and easier for legal professionals and the public to access high-quality legal commentary on Canadian court decisions.
Good luck to everyone who is nominated and to our judges who will have a tough time deciding who are best of the best, cream of the crop, the top guns in legal blogging. With over 400 Canadian legal blogs on the internet it will not be easy finding Goose and Maverick.
Special Mentions:
Takes a behind-the-scenes look at the world of law. The site provides news and insights about the profession’s most colorful personalities and powerful institutions, as well as original commentary on breaking legal developments.
Divorce Discourse is a three-time ABA Blawg 100 popular vote winner. Rosen has been there and done that and shares his experience with you
Jim Calloway’s Law Practice Tips
An Oklahoma-based weblog about law practice management, the Internet and technology as it applies both in law practice and in all of our lives.
Click here to learn more about the 2015 Clawbies.