Collaborative Practice

Saving the Golden Goose: How Family Run Businesses can Survive and Thrive after Divorce #FDRevolution

Saving the Golden Goose: How Family Run Businesses can Survive and Thrive after Divorce

We are excited to be invited back to speak at the FDRIO’s 2018 Unconference – Rethink the Future. The conference will be held May 3, 2018 in 
Toronto where attendees vote on what Topics they would like to hear.

Our presentation will explore how a family business can be impacted when a Company ‘founder’ is involved in separation.  We will discuss:

  • When both spouses are principals in the business
  • When a second generation of the family joins the business.
  • The effects on a range of stakeholders such as business partners and other investors.
  • How spouses can cooperate to address the best interests of the children
  • How spouses can agree to cooperate to address the best interests of the family business.
  • Using, a collaborative approach to reduce the impact of separation and divorce on family run businesses.
  • Ensuring that the business remains viable for both spouses, as well as future generations.

The Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario (FDRIO) is a federally-incorporated not-for-profit that seeks to support and enhance the family dispute resolution profession and to increase public awareness about the many FDR options available to them. FDRIO is a self-regulating organization of multidisciplinary professionals who facilitate family dispute resolution by providing information and conflict management services to families.

Click here to learn more about FDRIO’s 2018 Unconference, membership or to register.

We hope to see you there!

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About the author

Russell Alexander

Russell Alexander is the Founder & Senior Partner of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.