Sometimes your account is billed much quicker than you expected. In an attempt to help you save costs, our firm has prepared a list of ways you can help keep your costs lower.
- Be Wise: Prioritize your goals and pick your battles.
- Be Familiar: Familiarize yourself with our Retainer Agreement. This will help you understand the fees, and prevent you from incurring unnecessary charges.
- Be Prepared: Email electronic versions of your documents. Alternatively have them available by USB.
- Be Careful: Carefully read all drafts before responding.
- Be Well-Informed: Read the entire contents of what we send before responding. We suggest sending 1 large email at a time or accumulate a log and discuss during one phone call.
- Be Mindful: Avoid urgency and last minute updates.
- Be Meticulous: Organize and include all your documents.
- Be Ready: Respond timely to emails and telephone calls.
Helpful Tip: The more work you can do for yourself, the less work you will need done.