Family Violence & Abuse

Domestic Violence and Legal Protections

Written by Russell Alexander / (905) 655-6335

Family Law Now After Hours

Hosted this coming week by Family Lawyers Golan Yaron, Stephanie Brooks & Shanza Sohail, and Registered Social Worker and Psychotherapist, Jonathan Paynter.

Want to learn about domestic violence and legal protections?


We will be live at 5PM on September 3rd on Zoom and our YouTube Channel, to provide an introduction on legal protections for domestic violence. This series is one of our many commitments to providing our community with valuable resources to support them in navigating family law matters.

Domestic Violence and Legal Protections

1. Recognizing Signs of Domestic Violence

Understanding the signs of domestic violence is crucial for identifying abusive behaviors, which can include physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse. 

2. Legal Definition and Forms of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence encompasses a range of behaviors aimed at gaining power and control over a partner or family member. It can manifest as physical violence, threats, intimidation, coercion, and other abusive tactics.

3. Protection Orders and Restraining Orders

Protection orders, also known as restraining orders, are legal documents issued by the court to protect victims of domestic violence from further harm. These orders can include provisions such as no-contact orders, stay-away orders, and orders to vacate the home. 

4. Emergency Protection Orders

In situations of immediate danger, victims of domestic violence can seek emergency protection orders from the court, providing immediate relief and safety from the abusive partner. 

5. Criminal Charges for Domestic Violence

In addition to civil protection orders, perpetrators of domestic violence may face criminal charges, including assault, battery, stalking, harassment, and violation of protection orders. 

6. Support Services for Victims

Victims of domestic violence can access a variety of support services, including shelters, hotlines, counseling, legal aid, and advocacy organizations that specialize in assisting survivors. 

7. Legal Aid and Assistance for Victims

Victims of domestic violence may be eligible for legal aid services to help them navigate the legal system, obtain protection orders, and pursue legal remedies against their abusers. 

8. Impact of Domestic Violence on Family Law Cases

Domestic violence can significantly impact family law cases, including divorce, and parenting time and decision-making responsibility disputes. Courts take allegations of domestic violence seriously and prioritize the safety and well-being of victims and children. 

9. Parenting Issues in Domestic Violence Cases

When domestic violence is present, courts may need to carefully consider parenting arrangements to ensure the safety of the children involved and protect them from exposure to further harm. 

10. Safety Planning and Resources for Victims

Safety planning is essential for victims of domestic violence to protect themselves and their children from harm. Resources such as safety plans, emergency shelters, legal assistance, and support groups can help survivors plan for their safety and rebuild their lives free from abuse.

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About the author

Russell Alexander

Russell Alexander is the Founder & Senior Partner of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.