Virtual Hearings

Virtual Court Guide for Divorce and Separation Proceedings

Written by Russell Alexander / (905) 655-6335

Navigating divorce and separation can lead to numerous court appearances, many of which are now conducted virtually. This guide is designed to help you prepare for online court attendances, ensuring a seamless and effective participation. Below are key steps and tips, aligned with the Superior Court of Justice’s guidelines, specifically curated for individuals undergoing divorce or separation processes.

Understanding Virtual Court Proceedings

When scheduled for a court event related to your divorce or separation, the details on whether it will be held virtually will be provided to you. Most virtual hearings use Zoom, with login information accessible through your CaseLines file. It’s crucial to have the necessary technology and environment prepared in advance.

Essential Tips for Effective Virtual Participation

  1. Private and Quiet Environment: Choose a location that is free from noise and interruptions.
  2. Videoconference Preparedness: If possible, join via a device with a camera. If not, use a landline or cellphone for audio. Dial-in options are included in Zoom invites.
  3. Stable Internet Connection: A minimum bandwidth of 1 Mbps is required, with 3 Mbps preferred for optimal video quality. Use a wired connection if Wi-Fi is unstable.
  4. Device Charging: Ensure your device is fully charged or connected to a power source to prevent disruptions.
  5. Limit Background Apps: Close unnecessary applications to maintain a strong connection.
  6. Quick Reconnect Strategy: Keep your meeting ID and passcode handy for quick rejoining if disconnected.
  7. Immediate Communication: Inform the court immediately if you have trouble following the proceedings, using verbal communication or Zoom’s interaction features.
  8. Proper Identification: Display your full name on Zoom. If joining by phone, introduce yourself clearly.
  9. Mute Protocol: Stay muted until your case is addressed, and only unmute when prompted to speak.
  10. Professional Etiquette: Maintain courtroom decorum by not eating or drinking (except water) during the session.
  11. Document Accessibility: Keep relevant documents ready, especially those uploaded to your CaseLines file for the hearing.
  12. Software Updates: You may be prompted to update your Zoom or other software just prior to your virtual attendance. The update could take several minutes and require you to restart your device causing you to be late for or miss your court hearing. Do software updates in advance or skip the update request to ensure you start your hearing on time.

Brittany Whalen, Associate Lawyer

For individuals with disabilities facing challenges in participating in virtual hearings, assistance is available through the court’s Accessibility Coordinator.

Follow these tips to facilitate a smoother experience and ensuring that you are well-prepared for virtual court appearances. Adhering to these recommendations will help maintain the dignity and efficiency of the court process.

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About the author

Russell Alexander

Russell Alexander is the Founder & Senior Partner of Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers.